
boxmanAmazon has dramatically changed its operations in response to the pandemic up ending every single brands Amazon sales model. Every brand needs to review their current Amazon position and take steps to ensure their growth going forward.

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Not only is Amazon experiencing unprecedented volume and demand related to the pandemic, but they also have to manage this new volume with a newly dispersed workforce and a delivery and supply chain that’s breaking under the strain. Their current short-term changes to cope have included some major moves including:


  1. Amazon Purchase Orders: Dramatic backs for non-essential products
  2. FBA Sellers: Restriction on all non-essential inbound products
  3. Marketing Programs: Multiple restrictions including ending Coupons and Deals to help control volume
  4. Prime Shipping: 2 Day shipping is unavailable for the majority of products, with the average lead time of 7 days for most items.
  5. Control of the BuyBox: Non-prime 3rd party sellers are being given the buybox even if prices are higher as long as they can ship faster

The resulting policy and operational changes will go beyond the next few weeks and will impact the rest of 2020 and beyond.  Brand and manufacturers need to rethink their Amazon strategy now.

Join Yeoman Technology Group on Friday April 24th at 10:00AM EST for a review of the current state of Amazon activity and a discussion of the most likely scenarios you can expect in Q2 and Q3.

Please register at the link below
